Tuesday, July 27, 2010


It recently came to my attention here that an Ohio dairy farm, Conklin Dairy Farm to be exact is treating the cows in a disgusting manner. Often chaining the cows to fences and beating them with crowbars, or stomping on their heads.
I know this is in Ohio, and likely that the milk we drink here in Edmonton isn't from there. But this was an undercover work at the farm who captured that video. Just because it hasn't been captured on film, doesn't men it isn't happening from the place where YOUR milk is produced.
Giving up dairy has been really hard for me, but this has made it really easy for me to stop drinking milk. I would never want any animal whose products I'm consuming going through something like that. It's bad enough that they are killed for their meat, but hurting them like that for no reason is unacceptable.
If you go to the above link, you can watch the video (it's really disgusting so be careful) and take action through various suggested forms.
For other dairy options, check out soy milk or almond milk (which is what I drink). You can find these products at any grocery store. I also eat soy cheese. I have been able to find these products at Planet Organic, Superstore, and Sobey's so far. You can feel good knowing that none of the products used to make these items were severely beaten or treated inhumanely.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely think dairy would be the hardest thing for me to give up. I've watched lots of videos on the treatment of animals and it's so disgusting and sad. :(
